Venice Studio @ University of Melbourne

Venice Studio @ University of Melbourne

Venice Piracy Workshop
Course leader: Peter Wilson

In this studio the technique advocated is PIRACY inc. raids on archives, catalogues or historic documents. Hostage taking is carried out with downloads, screenshots, sketches, etc. Each student is asked to nab a bit of architecture (or just a bit of atmosphere, a reflection, a colour) that takes their fancy. Piracy on the Adriatic between Venetians and the Ottoman (Piri Ries) has a long tradition!
Course leader: Traudy Pelzel & Francesco Magnani

For the tourists who visit each year, Venice appears to be an open-air museum. This clashes with the fact that many buildings were built in the 19th and 20th centuries and that there are still many empty spaces in and around the city. In Venice these forces confront one another in a limited space with repercussions for the whole city. Contact points, edges, and access highlight the conflict between the integrity of existing objects and the wider urban field. With this in mind we will rethink the Tesa 113 building (1545-1550) and its external open spaces located in the Arsenale by considering: The Role of the Front, Building the Void, Reconfiguring the Façade, Inhabiting the Roof, The Space Around.
Course leaders: Juan Lucas Young & Bettina Magistretti

The studio will engage three different sites all somehow connected to the Museum of the XX Century (M9) designed by Sauerbruch Hutton. Each site offers a different scale of intervention and engagement with the public realm and, therefore, the studio will consider architecture, urban planning and landscape design: the public realm at large. The three sites (site 1: Rethinking the Block, site 2: Bringing the Flair of Venice to Mestre, site 3: Historic Round Trip) are located in the heart of Mestre alongside the M9 Museum. Students will be expected to research the history and current state of development of the sites they choose to work on.
Course leader: Melinda Matuz & Alexander Kalachev

To trigger the studio we will introduce two of UNStudio's Venice Biennale pavilions: 'The Changing Room' from 2008 and the unrealized 'Living Within' from 2021. These two installations both record a historic moment: one just before the credit crunch turned the world upside down in 2008; the other, the somewhere in between of a global pandemic with all its uncertainty. The first one is about the essence of architecture as a visual art form, the second is about the essence of community within architecture. The change of the message - in little more than a decade - is worth to take a look in itself already.
"These 2-week July intensive studios introduce students to the complexities of the historic city and its architecture in the contemporary age of cultural tourism through empirical and archival research, and the completion of a design project."
Students should expect to consider the acute convergence of heritage, environment, mass tourism, aesthetics, and contemporary design culture to develop design responses which critically re-evaluate the adjacency of historical buildings and contemporary design techniques within the historic city. Observation and documentation of the city, its architecture, and its present-day rhythms are combined with archival research of more recent Italian design histories at the IUAV Archivio Progetti (the architecture and design archive of the Università Iuav di Venezia) in order to develop the design project.

Studio Leaders work directly with students in their online studio to develop projects and provide unique guidance on the city, its architecture and its culture. Other guests will, from time to time, provide lectures and hold discussions with students on aspects of the city and its present day predicament.
ECA x University of Melbourne

Scott Woods
Programme Lead, Venice Studio – European Cultural Academy (ECA)

Scott Woods is an Academic Fellow in Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning at the University of Melbourne. Scott teaches architecture history and theory, coordinates the first year design studio in the undergraduate school and leads a graduate design studio (most recently in collaboration with MAXXI Rome) with a focus on the museum, its curatorial conditions and representations. At ECA, Scott is the Venice Studio Programme Lead.