By knowing the past we can design our future

The course is organised in collaboration with Dr. Kärt Summatavet, University of Tartu
with endorsement from Cumulus.
Cumulus & ECA are sponsoring 2 scholarships to support your tuition. You are able to join with a reduced fee of 500 Euro. For more info contact:
We welcome you to join the Studio taking place in Venice with renowned experts. The Studio is rooted in the architecture as a platform for future creative solutions and collaboration between science, technology, business and creative industries. The Studio creates new platforms and tools. Combining natural space with virtual reality or vice versa are challenges for us. By knowing the past we can only design our future.

We mobilize the next generation of talent on Masters and Doctorate level to share knowledge and experience with advanced scholars and professionals in Art, Design, Media and Architecture. The aim is to allow transdisciplinary knowledge exchange for creative and innovative solutions. Using the architecture of the University of Tartu´s innovation hub Delta Maja in Estonia as a case study. The University of Tartu is among the oldest in the Baltics in Europe, founded in 1632, its historical buildings are included in the European Heritage Label list as "embodiment of the ideas of a university in the Age of Enlightenment".

The Studio uses the roots, the history of the mental structure to open hidden cultural codes embedded in the history of Venice, Vincenza and Padova. It combines experiential knowledge of the legacy of Palladio, Vitruvius, Leonardo etc. bridging it with the 17th International Architecture Exhibition of the Venice Biennale 2021. We ask the participants to highlight unique, human-centered, sustainable themes of the Biennale to combine with principles of architecture and philosophy for future environments and ecosystems.

1 WEEK: Learning best practices from the past (architecture, philosophy)
2 WEEK: Group-work modelling the future innovation by existing architectural body as a human body as model for innovation and synergy

We combine by addressing one or more sub-themes of the Studio for more connective innovation spirit and collaboration that all parts of the Delta Centre's architectural space in Tartu allows or challenges to emerge creativity, economy and research (
DATES: 5 - 16 July 2021 in Venice. We organise monthly meetings online in preparation for the course in Venice, the first meeting will take place on February 11, at 5pm (CET) via zoom.

TUITION FEE: 1650 EUR. You can pay 350 EUR to secure the spot and pay the rest later.


APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS: The course is a transdisciplinary programme for Master and PhD students of any discipline.

HOW TO APPLY: Please select your group choice, submit motivational letter (max. 1 page), CV or portfolio before 15th November 2020. The international committee will review the application and announce the selection on 30th of November 2020. If additional materials are required the committee will get in touch with you.

Group A: Beyond Tradition and Innovation: Palladio, Da Vinci and the Venice Biennale
Group B: Sacred Spaces: The Vatican Pavilion
Group C: New Ecosystems for Innovation: Delta Maja Innovation Centre
Group D: Open Case Studies: open for participant suggestions


DURATION: 13 days /104 contact hours
and 170 total hours including independent research


LOCATION: Several locations in Venice

CALL OR WHATSAPP US: +39 320 245 06 31

EMAIL US: Please contact Alice Janssens at if you have any questions about the application process or the course.

COVID-19 Note: ECA will do their best to realise the programme, ensures safe workshop environments according to governmental regulations. We monitor travel restrictions and advise you to book refundable travel and accommodation options. ECA reserves the right to alternate date or the format in case of travel restrictions due to the pandemic. You will receive a full refund one month before the course start date, no questions asked.

Plan A:

The course will take place as planned two weeks in Venice 5 - 16 July 2021, in addition monthly sessions on zoom as preparation for the course.

Plan B: (to be decided at the end of May 2021 according to COVID-19 situation)
The course will take place online and in Venice (blended format), we will prepare the online part 5 - 16 July 2021. We will ensure that learning outcomes are met and arrange a zoom sessions with experts/ guided tours at selected pavilions and offer a multimedia approach to online education etc. The second part of the course will take place in Venice. Together we will find a suitable date in later 2021/ or spring 2022. In addition monthly sessions on zoom as preparation for the course.
We welcome you to join the Studio taking place in Venice with renowned experts. The Studio is rooted in the architecture as a platform for future creative solutions and collaboration between science, technology, business and creative industries. The Studio creates new platforms and tools. Combining natural space with virtual reality or vice versa are challenges for us. By knowing the past we can only design our future.

We mobilize the next generation of talent on Masters and Doctorate level to share knowledge and experience with advanced scholars and professionals in Art, Design, Media and Architecture. The aim is to allow transdisciplinary knowledge exchange for creative and innovative solutions. Using the architecture of the University of Tartu´s innovation hub Delta Maja in Estonia as a case study. The University of Tartu is among the oldest in the Baltics in Europe, founded in 1632, its historical buildings are included in the European Heritage Label list as "embodiment of the ideas of a university in the Age of Enlightenment".

The Studio uses the roots, the history of the mental structure to open hidden cultural codes embedded in the history of Venice, Vincenza and Padova. It combines experiential knowledge of the legacy of Palladio, Vitruvius, Leonardo etc. bridging it with the 17th International Architecture Exhibition of the Venice Biennale 2021. We ask the participants to highlight unique, human-centered, sustainable themes of the Biennale to combine with principles of architecture and philosophy for future environments and ecosystems.

1 WEEK: Learning best practices from the past (architecture, philosophy)
2 WEEK: Group-work modelling the future innovation by existing architectural body as a human body as model for innovation and synergy

We combine by addressing one or more sub-themes of the Studio for more connective innovation spirit and collaboration that all parts of the Delta Centre's architectural space in Tartu allows or challenges to emerge creativity, economy and research (

5 - 16 July 2021 in Venice. We organise monthly meetings online in preparation for the course in Venice, the first meeting will take place on February 11, at 5pm (CET) via zoom.

TUITION FEE: 1650 EUR. You can pay 350 EUR to secure the spot and pay the rest later.


APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS: The course is a transdisciplinary programme for Master and PhD students of any discipline.

HOW TO APPLY: Please select your group choice, submit motivational letter (max. 1 page), CV or portfolio before 15th of November 2020. The international committee will review the application and announce the selection on 30th of November 2020. If additional materials are required the committee will get in touch with you.

Group A: Beyond Tradition and Innovation: Palladio, Da Vinci and the Venice Biennale
Group B: Sacred Spaces: The Vatican Pavilion
Group C: New Ecosystems for Innovation: Delta Maja Innovation Centre
Group D: Open Case Studies: open for participant suggestions


DURATION: 13 days /104 contact hours
and 170 total hours including independent research


LOCATION: Several locations in Venice

+39 320 245 06 31


COVID-19 Note: ECA will do their best to realise the programme, ensures safe workshop environments according to governmental regulations. We monitor travel restrictions and advise you to book refundable travel and accommodation options. ECA reserves the right to alternate date or the format in case of travel restrictions due to the pandemic. You will receive a full refund one month before the course start date, no questions asked.

Plan A:

The course will take place as planned two weeks in Venice 5 - 16 July 2021, in addition monthly sessions on zoom as preparation for the course.

Plan B: (to be decided at the end of May 2021 according to COVID-19 situation)
The course will take place online and in Venice (blended format), we will prepare the online part 5 - 16 July 2021. We will ensure that learning outcomes are met and arrange a zoom sessions with experts/ guided tours at selected pavilions and offer a multimedia approach to online education etc. The second part of the course will take place in Venice. Together we will find a suitable date in later 2021/ or spring 2022. In addition monthly sessions on zoom as preparation for the course.
Course topics
Week 1 – Tradition
Venice – Meeting Point of Eastern and Western Civilizations
Learning best practices from the past (architecture, philosophy)

Studies in Harmony. Measure and Proportion. Form, Function, Aesthetics and Ethics. Man – The Measure of Architecture. How to understand and rethink the forgotten layers of visible and mental landscapes of the Western Culture? How to understand and translate the global trends into natural and cultural context? How can the Past teach us about the Future? Where do we go?

Research and field work:
- Venice Biennale: Exploring key differences and new opportunities for prosperous future.
- Pythagoras to the Renaissance: Introduction from the philosopher Pythagoras to the Renaissance theorists. Experiments and measurements from the harmonic intervals of music to visual observations with the mathematical measuring of quantities, laws, geometric drawings and arithmetic calculations.
-Human scale model and the Golden Section or Ratio: Classical proportion system in architecture and visual design. Introduction to visual communication and principles of Vitruvian Man, the human scale model and the Golden Ratio.
- Grand Masters of Renaissance in Venice and around: Visiting the Venice Biennale – how modern architecture and new ecosystems are designed and will be organized? What useful can we learn from the past for the future?
Week 2 – Innovation
Venice – Innovative Mental Patterns from East and West
Modelling future innovation as model for innovation and synergy by using existing architecture in relation to the human body.

-Chaos and Confusion.
-Dialogue and Harmony.
-Natural and Artificial Environments.
-Unexpected Ecosystems. Visible and un-visible patterns of innovation.
-Research in classical proportion system in architecture and visual design.
-Venice Biennale as a tool for understanding new mental patterns and innovative design solutions of creative models, platforms and ecosystems for the future.
-How to visualize un-seen ideas and innovative experiments?
-How to create a safe human/artificial/institutional environment?

Research and group work: How to design successful ecosystem for innovation?
Individual research: Library of the Cini Foundation, archives and museums
Group work: Creation of a three-dimensional human/artificial/institutional scale action plan and model for harmonious innovation platform:

1) The arrangement of human relations within the 'family' of institutions in two buildings and public environment (incl. the siting of the house and its different relations to academic and urban environment);
2) The attempts to satisfy society's material, intellectual and creative needs;
3) The arrangement of successful relations, proportions, rhythms, patterns and movements for innovation.

Final group work presentation:
Case study: Delta Centre – architecture as a living organism
Creation of a three-dimensional human/artificial/institutional innovation platform for the UT Delta Centre

Connect with exceptional people
  • Dr. Kärt Summatavet
    Kärt Summatavet (Ph.D. [Taiteen tohtori]) is professor of arts at the University of Tartu. She graduated in Tallinn as a metal artist (1982–87) and has exhibited since 1986. She completed her doctoral dissertation in Finland in the Department of Design at the Aalto University in Helsinki (1998–2005). She is a researcher, project manager, expert in education and creative industries, designer-entrepreneur, educator and innovator. Summatavet's research focuses on oral history, design education, creativity and culture, tradition and innovation.
  • Roberta Parlato
    Parlato is an art and architectural historian specializing in Andrea Palladio's work and the Renaissance of the Veneto region.She graduated with a dissertation on Palladio's Villa Saraceno. As atourist guide in Vicenza, her hometown, she gives guided tours for architects and lovers of architecture since 2003.
  • Fabio D'Agnano
    D'Agnano, grant researcher at the IUAV, deals with three-dimensional modeling and rapid prototyping in architecture since 1991. Author of the handbook 3d Max per l'Architettura (Apogeo Editore, Milano, 2006).Specialized in project communication and 3-D modelling for architecture. He is project manager at the Digital Architecture Master in Venice, and he teaches Representation at the Landscape course of the Architecture University of Venice. He is partner and manager at Glass Architettura Urbanistica.
  • Laura Tinti
    Prof. Tinti worked for almost a decade as Art Educator for the Biennale di Venezia. She is currently Professor of Visual Art & Fashion at the Polimoda Institute for Fashion Design in Florence. She holds a Bachelor of Italian Law, a Bachelor of Art in Fine Art Painting and a Master of Visual Art from the Università Iuav di Venezia.
  • Gryanne Stunnenberg
    Stunnenberg is artist, lecturer, curator and founder of GALLERGRY, a platform to promote contemporary fine art in Venice. Previously she has also collaborated with the educational department of the Venice Biennale and had the honour to give guided tours for the Dutch royal family and designer Paul Smith. She is an expert on the Biennale and will introduce us to the international exhibition and national pavilions at Giardini and Arsenale.
  • Giulio Grillo
    Grillo is architect and co-founder of Rebiennale, an initiative dedicated to counteract the environmentally unsustainable nature of the Biennale. The initiative is focused on the enormous amount of wastes produced by the Biennale exhibition and strives to reuse its materials. As collaborative platform created by a network of venetian citizens, students, architects, artists and political activists, it is one of the key initiatives to know related to the Venice Biennale. Together with Giulio we will explore their recent project involving the production and dismantling of the Swiss pavilion.
  • Karmen Corak
    Karmen Corak works at the conservation department at Gallerie dell'Accademia in Venice. She studied Graphic Arts in Croatia and Conservation and Restoration of works of art on paper in Italy, Japan and Austria. She attended photography workshops with Rinko Kawauchi and Hans-Christian Schink. She was invited to group and solo exhibitions in Croatia, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, Hungary and the USA, receiving international awards in Fine Art Photography in Paris, Malaga and Berlin. Her works are in public collections in Italy and Japan. From 2001-2018 Corak was a head of paper conservation at the National Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art in Rome and she collaborated also with MAXXI. She developed contemporary art exhibition projects for public and private institutions.
The course is organised in collaboration with Dr. Kärt Summatavet, University of Tartu
with endorsement from Cumulus.

The University of Tartu was founded in 1632 by the Swedish king Gustavus Adolphus. It was initially called Academia Dorpatensis. The necessary preparations for creating a university in Tartu (then Dorpat) were made by Johan Skytte, governor general of Livonia. Academia Dorpatensis, modelled after the University of Uppsala in Sweden, was intended to pursue research and advance learning in a wide variety of disciplines. The University of Tartu (UT) has continued to adhere to this approach throughout the centuries, and remains today the only classical university in Estonia. Research at UT focuses on subjects as diverse as medicine and philosophy, genetics and computer science

As Estonia's national university, UT stresses the importance of international co-operation and partnerships with reputable research universities all over the world. The robust research potential of the university is evidenced by the fact that the University of Tartu has been invited to join the Coimbra Group, a prestigious club of renowned research universities. UT includes four faculties. To support and develop the professional competence of its students and academic staff, the university has entered into bilateral co-operation agreements with 79 partner institutions in 31 countries.

Delta Centre

Delta Centre of the University of Tartu will be completed in early 2020. The centre will consist of two buildings, one is UTs teaching and research facility and the other for companies working closely with UT researchers and students. Delta Centre also hosts the ecosystem for start-ups: pre-incubation activities offered by the UT School of Economics, a research-based enterprise development program coordinated by the Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation and Tartu Science Park incubators.