Sustainable, healthy cities: learning from the past and present; building for the future

In collaboration with the University of Oxford and Prince's Foundation
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Saturday, 26 March, 2022
16.00 - 16.45 GMT
17.00 - 17.45 CET
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Dr David Howard
Associate Professor in Sustainable Urban Development
Howard is Associate Professor in Sustainable Urban Development at the University of Oxford, and a Fellow of Kellogg College, Oxford. He is Director of the Sustainable Urban Development Programme at the University of Oxford, which promotes lifelong learning for those with professional and personal interests in urban development. David is also Co-Director of the Global Centre on Healthcare and Urbanisation at Kellogg College, which hosts public debates and promotes research on key urban issues affecting society today.
Dr Matthew Hardy
Senior Lecturer in Architecture and Urbanism
Matthew works at the intersection of urbanism, urban morphology, architectural history, and climate change. He teaches at Oxford on the Sustainable Urban Development programme.

As Senior Lecturer in Architecture and Urbanism at the Prince's Foundation for Building Community, Matthew is responsible for the Foundation's academic programmes, working with several university partners.

About the programme
27 June – 8 July, 2022
This 12-day programme will ask students to explore the potential to learn from the past, as well as from present technologies and practice, in order to design healthier cities for the future; and to retro-fit today's urban spaces to cater for new challenges that may evolve. Cities and their residents will continue to face unforeseen sudden shocks, and emerging stresses across the range of environmental, social and economic contexts. While the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis will not dominate the studio's learning and teaching focus, the classes and debates will provide a space in which to reflect on how urban populations, and practitioners engaged in the built environment, have contended with pandemics and health crises in the past. A key emphasis of the programme will be a focus on Venice, the city itself, exploring how artists, architects, urban developers and denizens have responded to regenerate the built environment, and everyday urban living.