February 9 2023, onlIne
Open day by European Cultural Academy
The European Cultural Academy is glad to invite you to attend our online open day. Meet ECA team, our lecturers, and hear from previous students about their experience in Venice. You will learn about scholarship opportunities and get an overview of 2023 courses.
Saturday, February 9, 2023

Zoom link
Experts to answer your questions
  • Alexandra Laqueur
    ECA's director
  • Sara Longo
    Teacher training programme coordinator
  • Alan Rogers
    University Collaborations Manager
Monday, April 20
Day one: First meeting and welcome party

09:00 - Registration
11:00 - Introduction speech
12:30 - Lunch
16:00 - Time management workshop
19:00 - Discussion in the Hall 2
Join now
Let's go
If you are interested in becoming a partner or a sponsor, please feel free to write to us
We're really excited about our hosts and are looking forward to seeing presentations about architecture.
Don't miss the event!
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